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Met with an accident and looking for Orange County Car Accident LawyersWhen we get in a car or a motorcycle, we expect other drivers to respect the laws and drive with consideration for other people sharing the road.

Unfortunately, Orange County is filled with drunk, reckless, speeding, and distracted drivers, many of whom do not have valid driver’s licenses or are uninsured or underinsured.

This article contains important information if you have damages after a serious car accident in Orange County.

Auto Accident Attorney Orange County

Five Things You Should Do After an Car Accident

  • types of car accidents
  • Common Car Accident Injuries
  • What mistakes should be avoided while talking to insurance companies
  • How Car Accident Photos Can Help Your Personal Injury Case
  • Using witness statements to build a strong personal injury case
  • How your document can help your attorney build a strong case on your behalf
  • Types of Compensation Awarded in Car Accident Cases

5 things you should do after a car accident

If you were involved in a serious auto accident, there are five things you need to know. Making sure that these five areas are addressed promptly will ensure that your legal rights are protected and that you may be able to receive the compensation you are owed.

Get contact information. Always ask the other driver for contact information and insurance card information. Additionally, if any witnesses or other cars are involved in the accident, be sure to get their contact information.

Although the police officer at the scene of the accident should collect all of this information, if you can obtain this contact information yourself, you will be able to provide it immediately to your attorney at Easton & Easton, LLP so that we can assist our Can start working on the case.

Seek immediate medical attention. Your health is paramount after a car accident. Even if you think your injuries are minor, they could be more serious than you realize.

Accident victims usually have a surge of adrenaline which prevents the true extent of pain and injuries from being fully felt.

Seeking immediate medical attention allows a doctor or qualified medical professional to thoroughly examine you and ensure that your medical injuries are treated appropriately.

Additionally, seeking medical treatment may allow you to claim compensation in respect of your injuries at a later date.

Contact your insurance company only after meeting with an attorney. Never speak to an insurance company or make any written or recorded statements to an insurance company without first speaking with Easton & Easton, LLP, to ensure that your legal rights are protected.

Insurance companies often use underhand tactics to attempt to settle for much less than a victim is entitled to.

In some cases, insurance companies will attempt to obtain a complete history of all medical records to that they are not entitled. See below for specifics on handling negotiations with the insurance company.

Create a Documentation folder. Keep all documents containing contact information for all parties to the accident, your medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering, vehicle repairs, and other accident-related information in a folder so that important information doesn’t get lost or misplaced.

Happened. Creating a folder helps ensure that all important documents related to your accident are easily accessible by you and your attorney.

Contact Easton & Easton. We can ensure that your legal rights are protected and assist you in building a strong personal injury case related to your car accident.

Call the experienced attorneys at Easton & Easton, LLP, as soon as possible so we can advise you on what to do next.

Types of car accidents

Car accidents can result from simple acts of negligence such as following too closely and rear-end accidents, drunk driving, distracted driving, speeding, or failure to obey traffic laws.

In other cases, defects created from complex automotive design flaws can cause a vehicle to roll over when it should not or roof over to crush and injure passengers. The most dangerous types of car accidents include the following:

Rear-end Accidents: Rear-end accidents are extremely common. However, they can cause serious damage to the spine, head, and neck. Often, even relatively minor “fender-benders” can result in serious injury.

Head-on Collisions: These catastrophic accidents involve two vehicles traveling directly toward each other at high speed. These accidents account for 10% of all car accident deaths.

Rollover accidents: Rollover accidents are also very serious. Some vehicles, such as SUVs and top-heavy trucks, are more prone to rollovers than others.

Side-impact collision – 20% of car accident deaths result from a side-impact collision (T-bone). These accidents can happen anywhere, including highways, minor roads, intersections, and parking lots.

Off-road crashes – More than 30% of the deaths in car accidents are related to off-road crashes. These are accidents in which a car leaves the road and hits an object, usually a tree or telephone pole. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Common Auto Accident Injuries

While every car accident is different, serious car accidents often result in devastating damage and injuries to victims. Some of the most common types of injuries sustained in serious car accidents can include the following:

  • broken or fractured bones
  • traumatic brain injuries (ranging from minor to life-threatening)
  • Sprain
  • aortic dissection (aorta rupturing from the heart)
  • scars and disfigurement
  • spinal cord injury (resulting in temporary or permanent paralysis)
  • amputations
  • nerve damage
  • internal bleeding or internal organ damage
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • death

In many serious car accidents, victims suffer what is known as polytrauma. Polytrauma is a combination of multiple injuries.

Polytrauma victims may have serious medical problems and conditions throughout their lives or die due to their injuries. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Why do I need a lawyer after a car accident?

It is not uncommon for drivers in Orange County, California, to have accidents, even with light fender benders, and assume that they can easily resolve the situation with the other driver.

Unfortunately, this rarely happens. Most car accidents are more complicated than they first appear. A seemingly minor accident can quickly turn into a complex legal issue.

An experienced Orange County, California, car accident attorney can help the injured driver understand their options after an accident, handle difficult insurance claims, and hold the negligent driver accountable for their actions through a personal injury lawsuit can be held accountable.

Injured drivers should also realize that it is a bad idea to manage the trial without professional legal representation if they need to take their case to court.

Missing a court filing deadline, making a mistake on required paperwork, or failing to provide necessary documents to a court case can cause a judge to dismiss the case before it reaches the trial stage.

Hiring a personal injury attorney is an investment in peace of mind. An injured driver can focus on recovering from their injuries.

At the same time, their attorney builds their injury case, negotiates with insurance companies on their behalf, and ultimately guides them toward a higher recovery amount. which they could manage alone.

The attorneys at Easton & Easton, LLP know how to explore potential avenues for compensation in a personal injury claim. We are not afraid of speedy litigation if your car accident claim does proceed to trial. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Proving Negligence in an Auto Accident Claim

The crux of any personal injury claim is based on the legal idea of negligence when a party’s failure to act with reasonable care in a particular situation causes an accident.

Regarding auto accident claims, all drivers on California roads have a legal duty to drive safely, pay attention to their surroundings, and obey traffic signals. When they fail to do so, the chances of getting into an accident and injuring themselves and other drivers increase.

To be successful with an auto accident injury claim, the plaintiff’s attorney must establish four key components of negligence using the available evidence:

The plaintiff’s attorney must first positively identify the defendant in the claim and prove that the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.

Next, the plaintiff’s attorney must provide evidence of the defendant’s breach of this duty of care.

This may mean proving that the defendant was distracted or under the influence of drugs or alcohol or that the defendant committed a moving violation that caused the accident.

Third, the plaintiff must provide evidence that shows the full extent of the damages caused by the negligence.

This means providing proof of medical expenses, property damage, and pain and suffering that resulted from the accident. If the accident caused the plaintiff to miss work, the plaintiff must also provide documentation showing the extent of lost income resulting from the accident.

The cause must be established among the damages claimed by the plaintiff. This means that the plaintiff’s attorney must prove that the claimed damages directly result from the defendant’s negligence and not some other cause.

If a plaintiff’s personal injury attorney can prove these four elements of negligence in court, the plaintiff will likely win their case.

However, potential plaintiffs must remember that California follows pure comparative negligence law. This means that a plaintiff may lose a portion of the award of his case equal to the degree of his fault for causing the accident.

If the plaintiff bears any fault in causing an accident, the plaintiff may still recover damages less than the amount that reflects their fault.

Unlike most states that follow modified comparative negligence laws and bar plaintiff recovery on 50% or more fault, California has no such limit. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Dealing With Insurance After An Auto Accident In Orange County, California

Every California driver must maintain an individual auto insurance policy that provides coverage in the event of a collision.

California follows a fault-based statute for insurance claims after auto accidents. An injured driver has the right to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s auto insurance policy to claim compensation for his losses.

For minor accidents, the at-fault driver’s insurance can cover the full cost of the injured driver’s damages. Still, injured drivers need to remember that they are not only affected by the extent of the at-fault driver’s coverage. Let’s face it but also that insurance companies rarely agree on paying claims.

The injured driver must contact a personal injury attorney before negotiating with insurance companies.

An experienced Orange County car accident attorney can help the insurance claim get off to a strong start by filing the claim on behalf of the client.

When an insurance claims adjuster notices that a claimant has legal representation, they will be much less likely to push back against the claim. The right attorney can significantly affect the outcome of negotiations with an insurance carrier.

Another issue related to insurance is the possibility that the at-fault driver does not have sufficient auto insurance coverage to fully cover the cost of the injured driver’s damages or that the at-fault driver does not have auto insurance.

It can’t happen at all. In these situations, an injured driver may refer to their private auto insurance policy if it includes underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage.

California law entitles an injured driver to file a personal injury claim for damages if the insurance claim does not cover their loss. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

How Car Accident Photos Can Help Your Personal Injury Case

Certain pieces of important evidence can always add value and help strengthen a personal injury case related to a car accident.

One of those pieces of evidence is photographs of the accident taken shortly after the accident. These photographs can greatly enhance your credibility regarding your side of the story and provide absolute proof of property damage or injuries. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, which is exactly the case.

If you can take pictures of your injuries, and it’s safe for you to do so, you should consider that too.

Try to photograph anything and everything, including skid marks, damaged vehicle parts, traffic signs or lights, weather conditions, chipped paint, broken windows, and an overall view of the entire accident scene.

Insurance companies depend on victims telling lies when there is photographic evidence to support their claims. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Using witness statements to build a strong personal injury case

Photographic evidence and neutral third-party witnesses can be vital to proving your case. These witnesses have no monetary interest in your case.

If they corroborate your testimony about how the accident happened, it can become strong evidence for your injury case.

Always remember to get the contact information of all witnesses at the scene of an accident if you are physically able to do so.

If you cannot do this, don’t worry, there is every chance that the police report will list all the witnesses to the accident. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

How your document can help your attorney build a strong case on your behalf

Did you ever write in a journal or diary when you were younger? Looking back, you may find that the notes you wrote bring up powerful memories you’d long forgotten.

The same is the case with a car accident. Everyone thinks they’ll remember all the details, but car accidents are chaotic.

With medical appointments, insurance companies, loss of work, and more, many people forget details in the turmoil of their lives after an accident. Huh.

Be sure to keep a diary and write in it every day about your aches and pains, doctors’ appointments, activities you were unable to do because of your injuries, inability to return to work, and anything else that interferes with your daily life. Relates to the aftermath of a car accident.

Also, in the same document file, keep all of your vehicle repair bills, towing costs, medical bills, diagnostic imaging tests, medical appointments, physical therapy appointments, proof of lost wages, and any other documents that may be related to your car accident.

Keeping all of this information in one central location will help your attorney ensure you receive compensation for all of your injuries and damages. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Types of compensation

If you have suffered damages related to a car accident, you may wonder what compensation you can obtain.

The following are some types of compensation commonly awarded to victims of car accidents who have suffered injuries through no fault of theirs.

May be able to claim medical equipment, including wheelchairs, handrails, walkers, and more.

Lost wages and loss of future wages – You missed a lot of work because of your injury, so you can claim not only for your lost wages but also if you become disabled or unable to return to work. If you are, you may also be able to claim a loss of future wages.

Property damage: Any damage to your vehicle, including the cost of repair, towing, or replacement of your vehicle, as well as any property damaged inside the vehicle, can be claimed in your injury lawsuit.

Aches and pains: Your daily journal will help you record your aches and pains and activities you can no longer do independently.

These non-economic damages are complex to calculate legally, and the attorneys at Easton & Easton can help ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for the pain and suffering you suffered.

Punitive damages: In some cases, the other driver’s behavior was so grossly reckless, negligent, or egregious that the court will award punitive damages to not only punish the wrongdoer but also deter others from committing similar horrific acts. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Our trial attorneys have a proven track record of success

We recently settled a wrongful death case for $2.75 million. The deceased was 55 years old, had no wife or children, and only two living parents in their 80s.

Typically a jury, and therefore a defendant, will award no more than $500,000 to an 80-year-old parent for the death of their 55-year-old son where they suffered no economic loss due to their son’s passing.

But we increased the value of the settlement agreement significantly because we could demonstrate the unique bond these parents share with their son by telling their story in an impactful way.

The insurance company knew that taking the elderly couple’s case before a jury could result in too many decisions based on our preparation.

As a result, we were able to settle the case for an amount far beyond our clients’ wildest dreams without them having to go through the pain and examination of a lengthy trial.

We only practice on behalf of the injured party and never represent insurance companies.

Free office consultation Contingency fee Se Hubla Español

Our office hours are 9 am to 5 pm. Evening and weekend appointments are available by special arrangement.

We can also arrange to visit you and your family at your home, hospital room, or other convenient location. If you hire us, we will handle your claim on a contingency fee basis. We don’t win until you win. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

$2.75 million wrongful death settlement

We recently settled a wrongful death case for $2.75 million where the decedent was 55 years old, had no wife or children, and only two surviving parents in their 80s.

The defendants’ insurance carrier initially expected to pay no more than $250,000 to settle the case for these 80-year-old parents who had suffered no economic losses due to their son’s death.

But because we showcased the unique bond these parents shared with their son by powerfully telling their family story, we significantly increased the value of their case.

After seeing how we would present this elderly couple’s case to the jury, the insurance company knew that taking this case to trial could result in a decision based heavily on our advocacy.

As a result, we were able to settle the case for an amount far beyond our clients’ wildest dreams without having to put them through the pain and examination of a long trial. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Contact an Experienced Auto Accident Injury Lawyer

Lest the negligent side may also harm you financially, it is your responsibility to schedule a free consultation to learn more about your rights.

*AV Preeminent and BV Distinguished Reed Elsevier Properties Inc. are the certification marks which are used by

Martindale-Hubbell Certification Procedures, Standards, and Policies. Martindale-Hubbell is the architect of a peer review rating process.

The ratings represent the confidential opinion of the members of the Bar and Judiciary. Martindale-Hubbell ratings fall into two categories: legal competence and general ethical standards.

Frequently Asked Questions About Car Accidents in Orange County, CA

Car accidents are stressful events both physically and mentally. Victims are unsure of the first steps to take after their accident. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about car accidents in Orange County, CA. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

What should I do immediately after a car accident?

Your first step should be to ensure your health and wellness. Contact the police and make sure not to move if you think you are injured.

Accept any help from the EMT at the scene or go to the emergency room. Try to take photographs of the accident site.

After an accident, avoid talking to an insurance company without consulting an experienced attorney to ensure your legal rights are protected. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

What should I do if an insurance company calls me?

In most cases, the at-fault person’s insurance provider is trying to get you to agree to a settlement for much less than you’re worth.

They will often use your words against you, attempt to record your conversations, or obtain a full medical history to offer you less payment for your injuries and losses. An experienced attorney can negotiate and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

What should I do about my car?

You have a legal right to get your car fixed at any repair center you trust. If you feel that getting the repairs done is too expensive, you also have the option of getting the fair market value of your car. Please do not continue to drive your car until a professional auto mechanic has properly inspected it. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

What if the accident was partially my fault?

The state of California follows the pure comparative negligence standard. Therefore, even if you are partially at fault, you can still recover compensation and damages for the part of the accident that was not your fault.

For example, if the jury determines that you were 80% at fault, you will still be allowed to recover 20% of the compensation to you are entitled to.

Never let the fact that you may be partly responsible for an accident stop you from seeking compensation for your injuries and the damages you deserve. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

What Kind of Compensation Can I Get in Case of Personal Injury Related to a Car Accident?

Every car accident is different; However, you may be able to receive compensation for any medical bills, lost wages, property damage, loss of future earnings, emotional distress or mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life.

In some cases, you may also be able to obtain punitive damages if the accident involved particularly reckless or egregious behavior.

Punitive damages are intended to punish the wrongdoer and send a strong message that this action is unacceptable. (Orange County Car Accident Lawyers)

Is there a time limit for filing my case?

Under California law, you only have two years to file a claim to get compensation for the injuries and damages you suffered in your car accident.

While this may take a long time, it can take a long time to conduct an independent investigation, hire expert witnesses and develop a strong case, and it is always best to start as soon as possible.

We hope you like our article about Orange County Car Accident Lawyers.

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Orange County Car Accident Attorney Sat, 28 Jan 2023 11:59:42 +0000 Read more]]> Orange County Car Accident Attorney

Finding a qualified Orange County car accident attorney to handle your case can be overwhelming. What will they charge, how long will it take, and what is fair compensation? These are all questions you likely have.

At Bisner Chase, we specialize in handling all motor vehicle accident cases – from car to truck accidents. We have built an excellent success rate over 45 years of helping car accident victims fight for compensation.

Our skilled lawyers have also experienced trial lawyers. He has a wealth of experience in the Orange County courtroom, helping over 12,000 clients, including thousands of car accident victims, and taking on even the most complex motor vehicle accident cases.

Our passion for plaintiff justice goes beyond compensation. As soon as we receive your online inquiry or phone call, we get you and your family on a path to physical, emotional, and financial recovery.

Auto Accident Attorney Orange County

Frequently Asked Questions About Orange County Crashes

After an incident, many people are confused and frustrated about what to do legally. You should not limit your options by accepting whatever the insurance company hands you. The car accident injury attorneys of Bisner Chase are here to help you with any questions you may have.

Various questions accident victims may ask to include:

Is It Worth Hiring An Orange County Car Accident Lawyer?

Yes. With the right legal representation, you will always be informed of what happens during a lawsuit. You will increase your chances of winning maximum compensation for your settlement.

When Should I Call a Lawyer After a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Accident victims should contact an injury attorney as soon as possible. Generally, insurance companies delay the settlement process, potentially allowing you to accumulate more medical expenses.

How long will it take to settle my claim?

Every injury claim is different; there is no standard time for processing your claims. This will depend on how many people were involved in the incident, how much damage was done and how many injuries you sustained from the accident.

What are my chances of winning compensation without a lawyer?

Bisner Chase has a 99% success rate regarding winning client compensation. Our legal team has helped injured victims fight and win against major insurance companies and will do the same for you. Call our law office for a free consultation.

How Much Will I Receive at My Motor Vehicle Wreck Disposal?

It would help if you didn’t use an online calculator to understand what you could receive in compensation for your car accident. This is because you may not consider all the economic and non-economic losses. Remember, every accident is unique, and not every person gets a fixed amount for their settlement.

To do if you have been in a car accident

If you’ve been in a car accident, your priority is to ensure you’re safe and that no one else is injured. If you can, you should go to the hospital so your injuries can be treated.

You should also call the police and bring witnesses to the scene as soon as possible. If you can’t do this or someone else is hurt, they should stay at the scene until the police arrive.

After any car accident, you should always maintain an open line of communication with your attorney so that they can update you on how things are going with your case.

It is also important to stay calm and avoid panicking. This will help your chances for successful recovery.

Steps to be taken after a vehicle accident

Make sure you get protection. Experts say it can be dangerous to stay near your car after an accident, depending on where it happened.

Get medical attention. Get treatment immediately after an accident, either from a paramedic at the scene or later from your doctor. This is important for your health and well-being, as well as helping with any future legal claims.

Call the police. If there has been a car accident, the police should be involved. You can also request a copy of the police report later to support your at-fault claim.

Document the scene and preserve the evidence. When you are in a car accident, you must document everything. Take photos or videos of the scene and vehicles, and record license plate numbers and certain witness statements or contact details using your phone.

Exchange Driver Info. Be sure to get all the details from the person(s) who caused the car accident. It is necessary to collect this information before leaving the scene.

Organize your evidence. Make sure the evidence you collect is well organized. Request copies of police reports and proof of medical treatment and bills.

Top 8 Questions to Ask Your Car Accident Lawyer

Here are some key questions that your car accident attorney can help you answer after an accident:

Should I contact my insurance company or the insurance company of the person who hit me?

You should contact your insurance company first. The person who hit you is responsible for contacting their insurance company, but you must provide their insurance information to your insurance provider.

It is essential to call your insurance company and report any accident that involves injury or property damage, regardless of fault.

How can I make up for lost time and income from work?

To be reimbursed for lost income, you should show that you missed work due to your accident, injuries, and recovery and how much money you lost. If you are regularly employed by someone else, gathering information about your lost income is straightforward.

Ask your supervisor, boss, or the human resources department to print a letter or email you a document (on company letterhead or stationery, if this is an option) that includes your name, position, rate of pay, and the number of hours worked is included. Usually, work, and how many hours or days you missed after the accident.

Proving lost income can be more complicated if you’re casually employed or self-employed. You have to show how much time you lost working and how much you could have earned if you had been able to work.

You can use any evidence of declining billings or invoices, a calendar showing appointments you had to cancel, and any documentation (including printouts of emails and other electronic messages) of meetings, conferences, or other appointments. Showing you could not join.

After showing how much you have left at work, you need to show how much you would have earned. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Who will pay my medical bills, and when will they pay them?

Generally, the person or business responsible for the auto accident will be responsible for paying your medical bills. However, they may not have to pay your medical bills on an ongoing basis.

 It is important to understand the interplay between your medical payments insurance, health insurance, and other possible coverage’s to determine which policy is primary and which is secondary.

A good attorney will work with the medical providers involved in your car accident claim to place your bills on lien and pay them when the case is settled to take the burden off you.

If you are in a “no-fault” state, your car insurer will pay some or all of your medical bills if you are involved in a car accident, regardless of who was at fault for the accident, up to your no-fault limit. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

What information should I provide to insurance adjusters?

After a no-fault car accident, you must provide the insurance adjuster with your name and contact information, the date and time of the accident, the location of the accident, a description of the accident, and the name, contact information, and insurance of any other drivers involved in the accident. Information

You must also provide the adjuster photos of the scene of the accident, your medical bills, lost wages, and other relevant documents.

It is important to remember that you should not make a recorded statement or sign anything without first consulting a lawyer. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

What should I do if the person who hit me was uninsured or the accident was a hit-and-run?

If the person who hit you was uninsured or if it was a hit and run, you must file an uninsured motorist claim with your own insurance company.

This coverage will pay up to your coverage amount for car repairs, property damage, and medical bills.

You should also file a police report and keep all receipts for repairs to your vehicle and any medical care you received because of the accident.

If you have uninsured motorist coverage, you may also be able to take legal action against the other driver.

What should I do if the person who hit me did not have enough insurance to cover my losses?

If you have uninsured motorist coverage, you may also be able to take legal action against the other driver.

You can take your car to a repair shop, body shop, or dealership to get it repaired, or you can choose to buy a new vehicle to replace your damaged one. If the possible auto fault is involved in your car accident, store the car for evidence. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

What is my car accident case?

The exact value of your no-fault car accident case depends on your specific facts and circumstances. Generally, the value of a no-fault car crash case is based on the extent of the injuries, the number of medical bills, any lost wages, and any pain and suffering experienced.

It is difficult to determine the value of a case without assessing all relevant facts and information. You can talk to a personal injury lawyer to get a better idea of the value of your case.

What is the cost of an attorney, and should I pay a retainer?

Personal injury attorneys typically work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they are only paid if they successfully obtain a settlement or award on your behalf.

The terms of the contingency fee agreement, including the exact fee, will vary depending on the details of your case.

Generally, the percentage of compensation recovered will be between 31%-45% depending on the resources used in your case. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Skilled Car Accident Attorney in Orange County

After a serious car accident, you will need the best legal representation available. You will need an auto accident attorney in Orange County who knows how to play hardball with insurance adjusters and has a proven winning record in the CA courtroom.

Some of the best Car Accident Lawyers in Orange County, CA. Has spent decades in the courtroom, not only settling cases but also using expert witnesses and understanding defense strategies.

Some car accidents are relatively minor but can still leave a lasting impact on the victim. Other incidents will leave accident victims with serious injuries and disabilities. For many people, this results in a major adjustment.

Bisner chase is to take the stress off the victim. We aim to reduce the burden on those injured in car collisions and ensure they receive the justice and compensation they deserve. We have a very skilled legal team with an excellent track record of success in the local courts.

Our success rate, long history of highly satisfied clients, and multi-million-dollar recoveries make us the go-to car accident attorneys in Orange County.

We also offer a ‘no-win, no-fee guarantee to ensure that our clients do not have to pay a single penny until their case is successful.

We have built a reputation for providing a customer experience that is second to none. We have been recognized by Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers, LexisNexis, Evo, and many more, earning an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. Our caring Orange County car accident injury attorneys are here to serve you.

Elements of a Car Accident Claim

An auto accident can be serious, leaving you with several different claims. You can make two main types of claims: property damage and personal injury.

Property damage claims are about property lost, such as your car or personal belongings. Personal injury claims are about injuries you may have suffered in an accident.

But a personal injury claim is more complicated because you must prove that the other driver caused your injuries. Both sides must present evidence and witnesses to support their claims in court. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Bodily Injury vs. Pain and Suffering

Bodily injury generally refers to injuries received by the other driver(s), passenger (s), or pedestrians nearby. Pain and suffering are the damage caused to you, including physical and emotional.

Bodily injury is a legal term that refers to any harm, including pain and suffering, caused by accident. In some states, bodily injury is bodily harm (including pain and suffering) caused to the body due to an accident.

Other states define bodily injury as bodily injuries only, while others still use bodily and non-bodily injuries. Bodily injury can also be used in cases of severe emotional trauma associated with the accident.

For example, if a pedestrian is injured in a car accident because of the driver’s negligence, she can claim that she suffered emotional distress and bodily injuries.

To successfully recover for bodily injury, the plaintiff must show that the defendant was negligent in causing the injury. In many cases, proving negligence is straightforward; However, other factors can complicate matters, so it’s a good idea to consult an attorney.

No car insurance but not at fault?

In California, you can still file a claim against the other driver’s insurance company even if you are not at fault. Recovery may be affected, and you will deposit less.

It gets even more complicated if you are partially at fault and have no insurance. California requires all drivers to carry car insurance. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Determine who is at fault

The fault is usually determined based on one of three elements: the driver, the vehicle, or the environment. The type of accident determines the information you should look at when assessing fault.

The most important thing to remember when determining fault is that every case is different, and no two accidents are alike.

For example, if a car hits a pedestrian, the driver’s negligence is the main factor to consider. On the other hand, if two cars collide in a parking lot or on a road, it is more likely that vehicle maintenance and road conditions will be the main factors to consider.

This means that each case must be assessed on its own circumstances. Thus, it is important to look beyond what may seem obvious to get a more accurate picture of what happened in a particular accident.

An attorney can help you understand how to evaluate each factor when faced with an accident claim and make a sound decision about fault allocation. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Going to settlement or trial

The other party’s motion and your attorney’s opinion on denying that motion will determine whether your case settles or goes to trial.

A lawyer’s job is to get their client the best possible outcome, and if there is a need to go to trial, you should hire a lawyer with trial experience.

Many personal injury claims end up at trial, especially if the defense offer is very low and your car accident injury attorney knows he can get more. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Car accident compensation

How much are you likely to receive if you are the victim of a car accident? Car accident claim insurance can be very complex and lengthy, especially if there are major injuries and ongoing medical treatment.

The disappointing answer is that it will always depend on the circumstances of the specific accident. Some of the factors that affect the value of a claim include:

  • vehicle or property damage
  • plethora of injuries
  • medical bills and expenses
  • Ongoing rehabilitation and care costs
  • pain and suffering
  • lost wages and work opportunities

Auto accident compensation is a legal process by which a person injured in a car accident can be compensated for their injuries.

The injured party usually initiates the car accident compensation process, and they will be awarded compensation based on the severity of their injuries—the more severe the injury, the more compensation they will be awarded.

The person who caused the car accident is responsible for paying any medical bills and other expenses incurred by the injured party.

The benefits of receiving compensation from a car accident are that it can help cover medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. This may be necessary to get your life back on track after a car accident and avoid financial ruin.

If you have been injured and are unsure what your next step should be, contact our Orange County car accident attorneys for a free personal injury case evaluation. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

What To Do After An Orange County Car Accident?

There is a need to know the first steps to be taken after an accident. Here is a summary of what accident victims in Orange County should do before calling Roberts Jeandron Law to represent them in an injury claim.

Call 911 and report the accident to the police. Seek immediate medical attention, and ask for your medical records and prognosis as proof of your injury.

If there were any witnesses to the accident, get their names, numbers, and addresses. Gathering evidence will be easier when your legal team prepares your case.

Also, exchange personal information with the other driver involved in the accident. Other information should be written down, such as the driver’s name, number, address, driver’s license number, license plate number, and insurance information,

Take photos and videos of the accident scene, the wreckage of the car, and your injuries at the scene. Damage to each vehicle involved in the accident.

Take pictures of property damage, including damage to your vehicle. This will also make it easier for you to recover the car accident compensation.

Try to take all the relevant pictures from different angles, so there is less chance of misinterpreting the pictures.

Contact a team of personal injury lawyers. Roberts | Jeandron Law can provide you with the best Orange County car accident attorney in Southern California. We help you recover lost income and compensation for all other damages. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Finding The Right Orange County Car Accident Lawyer

Choosing the right solicitor for your injury claim can be a big decision you should not take lightly.

The success of your claim may depend on the representation provided by your lawyers, so you should choose a firm with an excellent reputation. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Before hiring an attorney or law firm, you should ask these questions:

  • How long have they been in business?
  • How long have the attorneys handled your case been licensed?
  • Have they worked on cases like your accident?
  • Are they flexible and considerate of your needs?
  • Is the attorney a good listener, or does he talk over you?
  • Do they go to court when needed (trial lawyer)?
  • check their legal status with your state’s bar association
  • Do they provide free consultations and cover all costs upfront?
  • Is there an accident lawyer near or close to my work?

Top 12 Most Common Car Accident Causes

  • Quick
  • red light on
  • distracted driving
  • failing to stop at a stop sign
  • tailgating
  • Dangerous lane changes – often without looking
  • vehicle breakdown and flat tire
  • driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Driver error due to high traffic volume
  • sleep driving
  • road rage
  • Accidents due to careless parking

Common car accident injuries

Car accident victims can suffer a variety of injuries. This will depend on the type of accident they are involved in, where their car was impacted, and the force of the collision, among other factors.

Some of the most likely MVA injuries include:

  • cuts and bruises
  • broken bones
  • Sprain
  • head injuries
  • internal bleeding
  • spinal cord injuries
  • emotional pain and anxiety
  • death

Car accidents have many possible outcomes, and victims can suffer life-changing injuries.

Most Dangerous Roads in Orange County

Driving can be dangerous with so many drivers on the roads in and around Orange County. Many driving hazards exist daily on the streets, highways, and parking lots.

These include heavy traffic, car accidents, breakdowns, grand theft auto, speeding, reckless driving, and many other potentially dangerous activities. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

The most dangerous roads include:

  • Ortega Highway
  • laguna canyon road
  • Beach Boulevard (State Route 39)

Each of these roadways is responsible for many accidents in Orange County. According to, there were 212 accidents on the Ortega Highway alone in the first four months of 2019, resulting in three deaths. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

Orange County Car Accident and Safety Statistics

There are a lot of safe drivers on the road, but there are a lot of reckless and dangerous drivers as well. Here are some statistics covering the main causes of car accidents to help you stay away from road hazards:

Orange County, California Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

  • Pedestrians were involved in 2.6% of these accidents.
  • 1% includes motorcycles.
  • 1% contains bicycles.
  • 9% involved trucks
  • 1% include buses
  • An incredible 10.9% of all crashes involved alcohol or other substances.

Although accidents have decreased over the years, dangerous traffic situations can happen at any time and can change your and your family’s lives forever. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

California Car Accident Statistics

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says 36,120 people died in car crashes in one year.

  • Southern California city of Los Angeles experiences 54,000 motor vehicle collisions annually.
  • There were 155 fatal bicycle accidents during the period.

Navigating the Orange County Courts

The car accident attorneys at Bisner Chase are equally skilled at negotiating settlements out of court and fighting for our clients in the courtroom.

 We are highly effective trial lawyers and will not hesitate to go to trial if we feel it is the best option for our clients.

It is important to hire an OC car accident lawyer with sound knowledge of the courts. Having the advantage of knowing the rules and procedures of the local courts is an edge that locally engaged lawyers always have.

You want an attorney who knows the judges, defense attorneys, court personnel, and the culture of those particular courts. (Orange County Car Accident Attorney)

We can provide high-quality representation to residents of:

  • Irwin
  • Huntington Beach
  • Newport Beach
  • Santa Ana
  • anaheim
  • Fullerton
  • costa mesa

You can review our interactive timeline of a typical car accident case to understand better what an injury and accident attorney can do for you.

We hope you like our article on Orange County Car Accident Attorney.

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