Best 7 Ways to deal with the Grease fires

Best 7 Ways to deal with the Grease fires

Hello friends, today we will tell you about Ways to deal with the Grease fires? Cooking is a moderately dangerous activity.

Although accidental cuts sometimes occur when using kitchen knives, they are not considered life-threatening.

The real danger is when there is a fire in the kitchen area. This type of fire is often caused by a range or stove where a pot or pan filled with grease or cooking oil is kept, which ignites in what is known as a grease fire.

As the name implies, a grease fire involves cooking oil. This is why they are sometimes called cooking oil fires.

What type of fire is the Grease Fire

Grease fires fall into the category of class II fires, which include fires involving cooking oils.

Technically, Class K is less well-known and is often placed within the larger Class B category, which includes oil, tar, petroleum grease, solvents, kerosene, propane, natural gas, and oil-based flammable liquids or gases. Caused by fire is included.

In any case, oil and grease fires present great risks. The National Fire Protection Association reports that between 2010–2014, approximately 46% of home fires were caused by cooking, of which 19% involved using cooking equipment and products.

How fire starts in Grease

Grease fires happen when the oil used for cooking gets too hot in a pan. It will initially boil before it starts to smoke.

If left alone and neglected, smoking oil will soon catch fire. This can happen in as little as 30 seconds, so you must always be careful when cooking in the kitchen.

A grease fire is often more dangerous than other fires because it can easily spread to other places if not extinguished quickly. Attempting to extinguish a grease fire can result in serious injury if the wrong materials are used.

What not to do when putting out a grease fire

If the oil in your cooking pot catches fire, remember not to do the following:

  1. Don’t use water

Never attempt to extinguish a cooking oil fire with water. Avoid mixing oil and water as they do not share the same density; putting them together can only fan the flames further.

Furthermore, water on a grease fire would cause the former to vaporize within nanoseconds due to the high temperature of the latter.

Oil molecules can also attach themselves to water molecules, with the resulting vapor technically carrying the flames to nearby surfaces, spreading the fire to surrounding areas.

  1. Do not stir the burning vessel

As with water, we are doing so can cause oil to splatter on you or kitchen surfaces and nearby cooking ingredients.

This can make the fire bigger and cause serious injuries, especially burns to the area around the arm and hand.

  1. Do not use a class A fire extinguisher

A class A fire extinguisher can effectively control oil fires. It is usually made from wet chemicals and is often found in commercial kitchens.

Class K extinguishers are specifically designed for cooking fires, which create a lather that envelops the flame and cuts off airflow.

  1. Do not use baking powder or flour

These cooking items have a different chemical composition and will not react well with grease or oil. They can worsen your fire as both are known to explode when heated.

How to deal with the Grease Fire

Because grease fires can be dangerous, it is important that you handle them with care and put them out if possible. The following should be considered:

  1. keep calm

An oil fire will happen without warning, but there will be signs that it is about to happen. Thus it is important to know what is happening when you are in the kitchen.

If a fire starts, don’t panic; brace yourself so you can think clearly about how to put out the grease fire.

  1. Turn off the heat source

The fire started from the heat source. If you’re cooking and the pot catches fire, your heat source is an oven, burner, or broiler. Turn them off, so your fire doesn’t get bigger.

  1. Cover the pot or pan

To stop an oil fire, you have to stop it from absorbing oxygen. This can be done by carefully sliding the metal lid on the pan where the fire was started. With the oxygen supply cut off, the fire will eventually extinguish itself.

In this case, metal is the dominant element. Glass or plastic lids should not be used for coverage as they may melt or shatter in the heat of the fire.

  1. Put salt on the flame

Salt or baking soda can also remove oxygen from the fire. The salt acts as a barrier between the fire and the air, while the baking soda releases carbon dioxide when heated, which extinguishes the fire.

  1. Use a special fire extinguisher

The first thing most people do when there is a cooking oil fire in the kitchen is to grab a fire extinguisher. This is not always a wise decision, as not all fire extinguishers are designed to put out these types of fires.

The best extinguisher for grease fires is a Class K unit because it is made of wet chemicals and is often found in commercial kitchens.

  1. Call the emergency number

Oil fires can quickly get out of control, so if you are unsure of your ability to extinguish them or cannot contain them, it is best to call 911 or your local emergency services. Please don’t wait for the fire to go out because it will not.

  1. Leave Zone

For your and your family’s safety, consider temporarily evacuating your home until firefighters can successfully extinguish the grease fire. To control the fire, close the kitchen door while leaving the house.

Important achievements

Grease fires, also called cooking oil fires, are dangerous because they can quickly spread from the kitchen to other home areas.

Because oil fires involve oil, using water to extinguish them is not recommended, but there are other methods worth trying so that the fire can be controlled until rescuers arrive.

We hope you like our article on Ways to deal with the Grease fires.

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