The Flash Review – Superhero Charmer Crushed by Its Own Bloat, Ezra Miller Shines

The Flash Review – Superhero Charmer Crushed by Its Own Bloat, Ezra Miller Shines

“The Flash,” the highly anticipated superhero film, has hit the screens, leaving audiences with mixed reactions.

While Ezra Miller’s charismatic performance as the titular character receives praise, the film’s overall execution falls victim to its own excessive ambition.

This article offers a critical review of “The Flash,” examining its strengths, weaknesses, and the impact of Ezra Miller’s portrayal.

The Charm of Ezra Miller

One of the standout aspects of “The Flash” is the captivating performance delivered by Ezra Miller as the speedster superhero.

Miller’s portrayal showcases the character’s wit, vulnerability, and genuine likability. His magnetic presence on screen injects the film with an infectious energy, making him a true standout in an otherwise flawed production.

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Excessive Bloat and Narrative Struggles

Unfortunately, “The Flash” suffers from an excess of narrative elements, resulting in a bloated and convoluted storyline.

The film attempts to incorporate multiple plot threads, introducing numerous characters, timelines, and dimensions, which ultimately overwhelm the coherence of the narrative.

The ambitious scope of the story becomes a double-edged sword, stifling character development and hindering the film’s pacing.

Missed Opportunities in World-Building

While “The Flash” showcases a fascinating multiverse concept, the execution falls short in fully exploring and capitalizing on its potential.

The film briefly touches on alternate realities and the broader DC Universe but fails to delve deeper into these intriguing aspects.

As a result, the world-building feels superficial, leaving viewers craving a more immersive and enriching experience.

Villain Troubles

Another area where “The Flash” stumbles is in its portrayal of the antagonists. The villains, despite being played by talented actors, lack depth and fail to leave a lasting impact.

The film struggles to establish compelling motivations for the villains, leaving them feeling underdeveloped and underutilized. This hampers the overall sense of tension and diminishes the stakes for the protagonist.

Visual Spectacle and Action Sequences

Despite its narrative shortcomings, “The Flash” offers visually stunning moments and exhilarating action sequences.

The film’s visual effects and cinematography capture the speedster’s powers with impressive flair, creating memorable and visually dynamic set pieces.

These moments of spectacle provide some respite amidst the narrative clutter, delivering exhilarating thrills for audiences.


“The Flash” showcases the charm and talent of Ezra Miller, who shines as the titular superhero.

However, the film’s narrative becomes a victim of its own ambition, struggling to balance multiple plot elements and failing to fully explore its captivating multiverse concept.

While the visual spectacle and action sequences offer excitement, the underdeveloped villains and bloated storytelling hinder the film’s overall impact.

Ultimately, “The Flash” falls short of its potential, leaving viewers with a mixed impression of a superhero film that both charms and disappoints in equal measure.

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